Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hope everyone had a great weekend. I did. Nothing went as planned but I still enjoyed it. The hubby & I spent way to much time playing WoW.

I never got the kittens posted up on Craigslist.

The adorable lil' black N white kitten that Jason brought home last week died Saturday night while we were away at walmart. :-(
Poor Bowser was so upset, that was his kitten.

Anywho just wanted to give a quick update before bed. I'll post some recipes & such this week.

But for now I must head to bed, have to be up early to have more bloodwork done, yay...


  1. WoW! My husband is still trying to convince me to play...

  2. Following from MBC---please follow back...

    <3 sarasophia

  3. Ness:

    My hubby used to play before we met but then he stopped a couple years ago. I'm actually the one who got him to start playing again, lol.
    We're both major nerds & love video games.

    You should check WoW out though. Our friend Angela "just liked watching" her boyfriend play. Then two weeks later she's bought an account & is addicted, lol. It's actually really fun!
